Do you want Unity?
Thank You for your time and consideration.
Thank You for your time and consideration.
Peace Be Upon You,
So, we’ve been working on a short movie to submit to a contest and the team finally got it all done. We submitted it yesterday and it is now up on the site:
It’s not amazing, but we’re actively working that issue 🙂
This is a project we wanted to work on to keep the “movie-making momentum” going and continue with the goals we’re trying to achieve.
If you are unfamiliar with these goals, i’ll mention them quickly here:
— Create alternative entertainment, to all the bad influence movies out there, that is professional and high quality.
— Make the entertainment Islamically founded and maintain I.C.E.: Islamically Clean Entertainment.
— Take 50% of Net Profits and donate it to charity so that people know they are not just supporting entertainment, they are supporting the betterment of the world. We would show how we used that money at the end of the movies we create as we progress.
— Raise awareness about our world and areas where we can influence and change, and show how to change as well as how we actually changed the world (as a company and with the people’s support) with the money we make as a company.
The Simple Math: If we were to work and raise 100K for charity, it would take a lot of effort, and at the end, it is nothing sustainable. If we however raise 100K to make awesome entertainment, reach out to a million people with the movie, and out of the million, 10% actually do something (not an unreasonable number) and they do something worth an average of $10, we have $10Â X (10% of million = 100K) = 1 Million dollars. We take the million, give 500K to charity!! and still be left with 500K for the next film! crazy :). Not exact, but absolutely doable.
Please let us know what you think of the movie, give us constructive feedback, so we can continue to move forward with our goals, and by partnering with you to achieve them. 😀
Thank you for your time, and in the future for your generous charitable donations to a great cause!