We are very excited here at HIPUR for our upcoming short film: Leap of Faith. It is a short about an acrophobic man who needs to overcome his fears. This movie inshaAllah will be in Stereoscopic 3D–or S3D.
Due to our director traveling, we had to push back production a few weeks from our original dates–end of March. We will be shooting the movie
April 23rd through April 27th
God willing, with the 28th and 29th as backups for any re-shoots we may need. If you are in Maryland and would like to come and see what it’s all about, we do have room for 2-3 individuals to come and view the process. We also have 3 PA positions if anyone is interested. PA is Production Assistant, and would help out in various ways with whatever is necessary for things that need to get done and doesn’t require any previous experience.
For more information, contact us at